Klaudia Burian- Board Member
Klaudia has been part of the Camp Shout Out family since 2011 when her son attended camp for the 1st time at 9 years old. She has observed the remarkable evolution of the camp and knows 1st hand the invaluable impact it has on the life of a child who stutters. Each year, the camp evolved and brought age-appropriate experiences for not only her son, but also for her and her husband, helping them understand the deeper and unique communication and social needs of kiddos and adults with this communication barrier. She also values and understands the importance of the effective parenting approaches she has learned through this experience. She understands the ambitious mission and unique approach of this one of a kind camp and is grateful and excited for the opportunity to serve on the board. From the personal perspective of raising a remarkable child who stutters, she hopes to be the voice of a parent as well as the child. As an Integrative Health Coach, she contributes valuable holistic evaluation of all the aspects of camp, how they work as whole, and offers counsel on integrated approaches that contribute to the camp’s mission. She has worked closely with Krsitin and Tom Chmela for the last 10 years and is excited to be a part of this important work.