Scott T. Palasik, Ph.D., CCC-SLP
Scott is an Associate Professor at the University of Akron, where he teaches many courses at the graduate and undergraduate level, performs clinical supervision, and is the director of the Mindfulness ACT and Social Cognition of Stuttering Lab. Scott has been a Team Facilitator at Camp Shout Out for several years and Assistant Faculty. As a person who stutters, Scott sees the value in creating a community of effective communicators that engages with each other in order to grow and evolve. Outside of Camp Shout Out, Scott presents around the country and world about how Mindfulness and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Active/Mindful Listening, and other counseling practices can be used clinically with people who stutter as well as those with other communication disorders. Scott is also the Co-Host of the Act To Live Podcast and Blog and co-owner and founder of 3C Digital Media Network LLC. Finally, he is a documentary co-writer and creative collaborator for the film WHEN I STUTTER (2017)